Please join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. for Rev. Dr. Quentin Madden's sermon. You may come to the in-person service, view the livestream on Facebook, listen to the broadcast in the church parking lot on 88.9 FM.
You are also invited to join us at the following weekly services: Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:30 a.m. Worship service follows at 10:30 a.m. with Nursery and KidMo offered for children through the 5th grade. On Wednesday evenings is Fellowship night: at 5:30 p.m. is a Fellowship Dinner; 6 p.m. Choir Practice; and at 7 p.m. we have Bible Studies for all (elementary age Bible study, Youth Group (for middle and high schoolers), and Adult).
Each Thursday a Men’s Prayer Breakfast is held at Sunshine Restaurant at 9 a.m.
The Children’s Clothes Closet provides gently used clothing for newborns to high school seniors. Please call the church office to arrange a donation drop off or pickup time if you are in need of clothes. Leave a message with your phone number and a volunteer will call back.
First Baptist Church is located at 413 S. Walnut Street. The church phone number is (812) 448-8112. Follow us on Facebook or the church website at The Rev. Dr. Quentin Madden’s telephone number is (314) 910-7224 and his email is
Sunday Worship
You may come to the in-person service, view the livestream on Facebook, or listen to the broadcast in the church parking lot on 88.9 FM. Facebook livestream worship is provided online through our Facebook page (, for persons who should stay home: people over 65, those in poor health, people not feeling well, and young children (who are also susceptible to the virus). If you fall into one of these categories, please stay home and worship online.
Youth Collection for "Operation: Christmas Child"
All year long our Youth are collecting items for "Operation: Christmas Child" to fill shoeboxes for children around the world who might not otherwise receive a Christmas gift. You may want to continue to buy those items as you shop (do not make a special trip for this), store them, and then bring them to the church when we can be together again. For the month of April, it is suggested that we gather crafts for children ages 2-14, items such as play dough, water colors, stickers, chalk, and puzzles.
Clay Youth Food Program
This outreach is supported by the generosity of multiple individuals, community organizations, local businesses, and area churches. We are funded through donations made to the Clay County YMCA. It is now being housed at the Clay County YMCA. Monthly packaging is scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m.
During the school year, food is packed and sent home with children for weekends and school breaks.
Monetary donations can be sent to:
Clay Co. YMCA
225 E. Kruzan St.
Brazil, IN 47834
** please mark the memo with "Youth Food Delivery Program"
Phone: (812) 442-6761 e-mail:
Specific foods are needed. If you care to donation food, please contact the YMCA for the current requirements.
For more information please visit: Clay Youth Food Delivery Facebook Page
Union Hospital E-cards
Union Hospital now has online cards which may be sent to patients. If you know someone in the hospital, fill out the form and a volunteer will deliver the card.
This is a nice way to let someone know you are thinking of them if you are unable to visit. The link is available here: